谷歌chrome xp_Google多久更新一次Chrome?
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谷歌chrome xp

谷歌chrome xp

Large Google Chrome logo on Windows desktop

Google updates Chrome regularly with new features, security updates, and more. Chrome downloads those updates and installs them automatically. But how often does that happen? It depends—turns out the Chrome update process is pretty complicated.

Google会定期通过新功能,安全更新等更新Chrome。 Chrome下载这些更新并自动安装。 但是,这种情况多久发生一次? 这要视情况而定-事实证明Chrome更新过程非常复杂。

每六个星期的主要稳定版本 (Major Stable Versions Every Six Weeks)

Chrome is developed in the open and anyone can install the unstable versions. But, when it comes to the Stable branch, builds are released roughly every six weeks. For example, was released on March 12, and was released on April 23rd—six weeks to the day.

Chrome是公开开发的,任何人都可以安装不稳定版本。 但是,涉及到稳定分支时,构建大约每六周发布一次。 例如, 在3月12日发布, 在4月23日发布,也就是一天的六周。

While it hasn’t always been like this—originally, Chrome updates were pretty sporadic—the Chrome team committed to six-week release intervals back in 2010 and has been relatively consistent since then. Sometimes releases come in four weeks, other times in eight. But generally speaking, it’s always somewhere right around the six-week mark.

尽管情况并非总是如此(最初Chrome浏览器的更新非常零星),但Chrome团队承诺自2010年起每隔六周发布一次,此后一直保持相对稳定。 有时发布会在四个星期内完成,有时会在八个星期内发布。 但总的来说,它总是在六周左右。

It’s also worth noting that Google can adjust the stable release schedule around Chrome “no meeting weeks” and holidays.


必要时的安全性和错误修复 (Security and Bug Fixes When Necessary)

Google Chrome update page

While you can pretty much count on major version releases coming out regularly, bug fix and security updates are much less predictable. Just combing through  shows that there have been three updates since Chrome 73 was released on March 12th, and there’s no discernable interval between each release. That’s pretty much par for the course for these types of updates.

虽然您可以指望定期发布的主要版本发布,但是错误修复和安全更新的可预测性低得多。 仅仅梳理发现,自3月12日发布Chrome 73以来,已经进行了3次更新,而且每次发布之间没有明显的间隔。 对于这些类型的更新,这几乎是标准的。

But at the very least you can count on Chrome getting a few bug fix and/or security updates in between major releases.


Chrome will install both major stable updates and smaller updates automatically when they’re available.  You can always open the menu and head to Help > About Google Chrome to check for and install any updates immediately, too.

Chrome会自动安装主要的稳定更新和较小的更新。 您始终可以打开菜单,然后转到“帮助”>“关于Google Chrome浏览器”以立即检查并安装所有更新。

下一个版本何时发布? (When Is the Next Version Arriving?)

If you’re curious when the next major version of Chrome will be released to the stable channel, check the website. This also shows you when the current stable version became stable, as well as information about the unstable versions of Chrome being tested in the Beta and Dev channels.

如果您想知道下一个主要版本的Chrome将何时发布到稳定版中,请访问网站。 这还会向您显示当前稳定版本何时稳定,以及有关正在Beta和Dev通道中测试的Chrome不稳定版本的信息。

Chrome操作系统每六周更新一次 (Chrome OS Also Updates Every Six Weeks)

Chrome OS update window

Like the major browser releases, Chrome OS is updated roughly every six weeks. While the version numbers and features generally mirror that of their browser counterpart, Chrome OS releases usually happen a week after the browser update.

与主要的浏览器版本一样,Chrome操作系统大约每六周更新一次。 虽然版本号和功能通常与浏览器的版本号和功能相同,但Chrome操作系统版本通常在浏览器更新后一周发布。

So, for example, Chrome 73 was released on March 12, but Chrome OS 73 didn’t land on the stable channel until March 19th.

因此,例如,Chrome 73于3月12日发布,但Chrome OS 73直到3月19日才在稳定版本中发布。

Otherwise, Chrome OS follows the same basic release process as the Chrome OS browser. The primary exception here is that the rollout schedule may vary depending on the particular Chrome OS device—it may take a few weeks to hit some devices, as each one is slightly different.

否则,Chrome操作系统将遵循与Chrome操作系统浏览器相同的基本发布过程。 此处的主要例外是,发布时间表可能会因特定的Chrome操作系统设备而有所不同-某些设备可能要花几周的时间,因为每个设备都略有不同。

Chrome更新渠道的工作方式 (How Chrome Update Channels Work)

There are four branches of Chrome development: Canary, Dev, Beta, and Stable. Those are in order from least stable (Canary) to most stable (um, Stable).

Chrome开发有四个分支:Canary,Dev,Beta和Stable。 这些顺序从最低稳定(Canary)到最高稳定(um,Stable)。

Eventually, the features that first show up in Canary should make their way to the stable channel—that’s why a lot of users who want to get a glimpse into the future run multiple version of Chrome on their computers. It’s also really cool to see features progress as they make their way through the release channels.

最终,最初出现在Canary中的功能应该进入稳定的渠道,这就是为什么许多想一窥未来的用户在其计算机上运行多个版本的Chrome的原因。 在功能通过发布渠道的过程中看到功能的进步也很酷。

Chrome release cycle

Every six weeks, a Canary build is set as the new milestone stabilization branch. This is where new features and enhancements are designed and implemented. It remains here for two more weeks, at which point it’s pushed into the first beta release. After two more weeks in the beta channel, a feature freeze is put in place—that means all features destined for the stable channel should be code-complete. This is also the reason why we see some features that were initially planned for a particular stable release get pushed back to the next major build.

每六个星期,将Canary版本设置为新的里程碑稳定分支。 这是设计和实施新功能和增强功能的地方。 它在这里保留了另外两个星期,这时它被推到了第一个beta版本。 在Beta通道中又过了两周之后,功能冻结就到位了-这意味着发往稳定通道的所有功能都应该是代码完整的。 这也是为什么我们看到最初为特定的稳定版本计划的某些功能被推回到下一个主要版本的原因。

For the remaining four weeks of the beta stage, new builds are released weekly up until the stable release. The Thursday before the stable version is pushed out (which generally happens on Tuesdays), the latest beta build becomes the release candidate. At that point, all stable features are finalized and merged with the stable branch.

在测试阶段的剩余四个星期中,每周都会发布新版本,直到稳定版本为止。 推出稳定版本之前的星期四(通常发生在星期二),最新的beta版本成为候选版本。 到那时,所有稳定功能都将最终确定并与稳定分支合并。

For testing bug fixes, Google also has another build called a “Stable Refresh.” That’s a stable release falling outside of the regular release schedule and is used to fix critical issues that just can’t wait.

为了测试错误修复,Google还提供了另一种称为“稳定刷新”的版本。 这是一个稳定的发行版,不属于常规发行时间表,用于修复迫不及待的关键问题。

稳定的版本缓慢推出 (Stable Releases Roll Out Slowly)

All stable Chrome releases follow a staged release schedule (save for Linux, which is pushed to 100% at the time of release). The desktop versions—Mac and Windows—are released in four states: 5%, 15%, 50%, and 100%. That’s why different users get updates at different times.

所有稳定的Chrome版本均遵循阶段性的发布时间表(Linux除外,发布时已推送至100%)。 桌面版本(Mac和Windows)以四种状态发布:5%,15%,50%和100%。 这就是为什么不同的用户在不同的时间获得更新的原因。

Android follows a similar schedule, albeit with one additional step: 1%, 5%, 15%, 50%, and 100%.


iOS follows a different pattern than the other two, with the update rolling out to all users over a seven-day period: Day 1: 1%; Day 2: 2%; Day 3: 5%; Day 4: 10%; Day 5: 20%, Day 6: 50%; and Day 7: 100%.

iOS的模式与其他两种模式不同,该更新将在7天的时间内向所有用户推出:第1天:1%; 第2天:2%; 第3天:5%; 第4天:10%; 第5天:20%,第6天:50%; 第7天:100%。

These staged rollouts allow Google to pinpoint issues before they reach all users, thus stopping the rollout and resuming it once the problem is corrected.



谷歌chrome xp


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